Eintrag von 2016-11-09 09:55 |
2016-11-09 09:55 |
This! Is! Fucking! Unbelievable!
Against all media, against all "intellectuals", against all polls until election day, the black sheep has won the US presidential election.
Wake up, political class in all Western countries! "Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terror" doesn't cut the cheese any more. People are fed up with "intellectuals", who abuse their own intelligence to rationalize reality away. People are so much fed up, that they are ready to vote for non-intellectuals.
Of course, "let's get along with Russia", "I will build a wall" and "I will crush ISIS" are somewhat sub-complex statements, but at least they break free from that rancid old leftist insanity. All the best for you, America! May this be a good morning for all of us.
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Against all media, against all "intellectuals", against all polls until election day, the black sheep has won the US presidential election.
Wake up, political class in all Western countries! "Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terror" doesn't cut the cheese any more. People are fed up with "intellectuals", who abuse their own intelligence to rationalize reality away. People are so much fed up, that they are ready to vote for non-intellectuals.
Of course, "let's get along with Russia", "I will build a wall" and "I will crush ISIS" are somewhat sub-complex statements, but at least they break free from that rancid old leftist insanity. All the best for you, America! May this be a good morning for all of us.

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